Monday, November 23, 2009
Power of Masakatsu & Agatsu

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hakama, the Samurai's secret........
Hakama is what we known, as a traditional samurai costume. It was commonly wear in Aikido, Kendo and some other Japanese martial arts. Hakama also means horse-riding as it protect a horseman's leg from any disturbing objects. Hakama is not a skirt, but more of a pants. The Hakama also show the values of the legendary warrior, the Samurai.
On the Hakama, there are seven folds; 5 at the front and 2 at the back. These seven folds represent the seven fundamental values of a Samurai; Courage, Benevolence, Justice, Etiquette, Honesty, Loyalty and Honor. These seven values or virtues are the spirit of the Samurai and Bushido.
Hakama, acts as a protection for the legs and also a weapon for the person. Besides holding a sword, weapons can be hidden in the Hakama for emergency defense. Covering the legs of the user, it can hide our leg movement, this disallows our opponents to see and predict our leg movement. Though this tradtional clothing restrict some of the bodily movement, it provide us the perseverance to train more in order to overcome the restrictions of the Hakama.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Way of Open Mindedness

Aikido is the way of harmony. And to harmonize the world, the usage of the techniques alone will not help, the development of human values and addition of virtues and wisdom will also not be enough for the way of harmony. To totally harmonize with the world, we must not only harmonize with our own mind, soul and body, but also everyone, nature, the world and the cosmos.
Tao or the way is the concept of Taoism, and to gain the world, it is through acceptance and open-mindedness. To win over people's hearts, we must put our disagreement and dislike aside and accept all reasons of everyone. When O' Sensei was creating his own martial art, he studied many ancient text, not only his own religion, Shinto, but he also studied Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and even Christianity. All these religions have a similar and whole concept, it is virtue, harmony and unity.
In O'Sensei's quotation, Aikido is not just a self defense martial art, it is also a philosophy. Harmony is open-mindedness and acceptance. All martial art have a common goal, sharing, accept and enlightment. Arrogance or Discrimnation shuold not exist. Different schools have different cultures, they have disadvantages and benefits. Putting ourselves in other people's shoes, we are able to understand the feelings and the reason behind their very actions.
Aikido is not to correct others, but to correct ourselves and then share the different experiences to the world.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Weapons of War!!!!
Weapons are mostly used by martial artists or warrior. Weapons are the arms of the warrior, the extra expansion of a warrior hand. For example, stick or spear are long ranged weapon. Ever long range will be archery.
In Chinese martial art, there are Eighteen weapons of War:
- Sabre
- Spear
- Straight sword
- Staff
- Halberd
- Axe
- Battle Axe
- Hook sword
- Fork/ Trident
- Steel whip
- Mace
- Hammer
- Talon
- Ranseur/ Trident-halberd
- Lance
- Short cudgel
- Stick/ Crutches
- Meteor hammer
For example, the sabre can be long or short ranged. The Green Dragon Sabre used by Guan Yu is a long ranged one and destructive due to it large and sharp blade, therefore it is heavy in weight and hard to handle.
Spears and lances are commonly used by soldiers or knight. They are long and light in weight. Although it is easy to control and have increased agility, but it is a soft weapon, it possess less strength than the Sabre.
The choice of weapon depend on the capabilities of the particular person, the strength, the area of space and comfort.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Science of YONKYO!!!!

How to do a correct Yonkyo???
- The angle of the arm must be 90 degree
- Press downwards
- Ensure that the uke's elbow is below the level of your fingers that applied the lock
- Ensure your arms are straight
- Do not move the uke's arm sideward
- Do not hesitate on pushing down the uke's arm
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Videos for GRADING FOR BLUE!!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Is Ki for Real?

Ki, in Aikido, is known as the mental energy that centralized a human body. What about other views.
In Chinese, it is also know as Qi or Chi, lifebreath, that all living things requires to survive. Mencius noted that Qi is essential for human beings to carry out countless activities. It is also known as energy-flow or spirit.
In the book of changs, I Ching, it stated that Ki is the mental wave that create the two primordial forces Yin and Yang in order to develop the cosmo and make the worlds.
If there are many definition, then it is real?
Yes. It is true, According to Acupunture and chinese medicine, when the body fluids were blocked, it is said that the Ki is obstructed. Through the treatment off acupunture and chinese medical methods, the blockage is broken, enable the flow of the fluids.
Ki is the most difficult thing to control in our body, for there possesses no true appearance of it. It is unpredictable. Some people may not even believe it. In Aikido, ki is widely used, unlike strength. Strength is limited while Ki is limitless. It can improve our attacks, movements and positions spiritually and mentally.
As Ki is also the energy flow, the movement of Aikido are circular so that the ki is able to flow easily and blend with any obstacles. While using straight and squarish movement, the hitting impact will be high and at maximum.
When things develops, it will not grow straight, it will started to curve and change shapes.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Some believe that getting black belt is enough for them to finish learning Aikido. But Aikido techniques are more than 1000, how can they finish it, it is simply a lie.
Lao Tzu, an ancient philosophy, said, "The journey of a thousand begins with a single step."
He also said:
What does this quotation means?
Firstly, observe the heaven and the skies above, the sky never stop changing, from day to night and repeatedly. The planets in the solar system never stop rotating and orbiting and the Sun never stop burning. Time never stop running and the cosmos was forever changing. Weather climate changes every time. Even the Earth and its living things never stop changing. Technology is always improving and our mindset is never still.
Aikido is the movement of nature, it flows through everywhere within the universe. If the world never stop changing and moving, we also should not stop. We must have self-development and self-improvement. Therefore we must train in excess in order to compensate the weak and empty spots. When we reached a goal, there are more other goals for us behind, we can never stop developing ourselves.
The way of Aikido -----------------------------------PERSEVERANCE
Monday, March 2, 2009
Combined Training with Horri Shihan
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
CALMNESS is all it takes
We know that anger or emotions are not to be used with martial arts. If anger, revenge or emotions are expressed in martial arts, a person will lose his morality. To meditate and release the stress and emotion inside you is a wise act a person should have. Meditation help to find space for self-improvement and development. Therefore through meditation, it calm the mind down and help a person to relax and flexible.
To have calmness in mind is to clear the mind of negative thoughts. With calmness, a person regain his/her balance and alertness. And both factors are very important in area of martial art or Budo. Calmness help to change a person's attitude and behavior.
To have calmness in mind is to be flexible. When a calm person face a problem, big or small, he/she was able to plan in silence.
Therefore calmness is all it takes.