In the ages of Morihei Ueshiba, he always emphasized the Takemusu Aiki 武産. What is it?
Takemusu Aiki, also known as Unlimited Creativity, is a concept by O'Sensei about the way of Aikido should be. It must harmonize with all things and be able to do technique as freely as possible.
In Takemusu Aiki, there are many factors, but the three most important factors are Self-development, self- discovery and Flexibilitiy. In other words, we should not train blindly, that will not bring improvement. To improve, we must further develop ourselves day by day as we train. Discover the rights and wrongs on you.
Flexability is the ability to chage in times of different situation. To be flexible, one must be calm and clear his/her mind with emptiness. That is unlimited creativity, able to do techniques so freely that you don't even have to think. For the techniques are dead but your mind is bursting with live and energy. Use your mind to revive these techinques and blend into different situation.
But before flexibility and using many different techniques, we must learn the techinques, from basic to advanced. Pursuit is not allowed, to eager ask for "sercet techniques"should be discourage. One must be patience to what he/she is doing. When he/she is doing a technique, it take times to learn, understand and further develop or improve. By asking sercet techniques, you broke the basic foundations that helps you to further improve.
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