Monday, March 1, 2010

The Classification of Aikido

There are many classification that divide martial arts into different types, as each of them have its unique specialities. Besides all martial art, Aikido is a different kind of martial art, combination of different ancient martial arts. So what is the type of martial art that Aikido is ?

The answer is Therapeutic. Therapeutic is defined as restoration of health, both physically and mentally. This is quite contradicting because all martial arts are supposed to be therapeutic and able to improve health. Well, Of all martial art, Aikido is the art that focus mostly of improving mental health. The cultivation of the body and mind

The Purpose of Aikido is to resolve conflicts and help to unify humanity. The word 'Ai' refers to harmony. Being one with the universe and the surrounding.

Cultivation of the Mind: Alertness, preparedness, ability to blend and react, Calmness before threatening events.

Cutivation of the Body: Evading, Agility, Strength, Liveness

Monday, January 25, 2010


Irimi Nage, also known as entering throw, is one of most important and basic techniques in Aikido. It is the technique that elaborate the circular movement, showing the harmony of both the defender and attacker, thus it is the movement of nature. But in other martial art, the techniques of Irimi Nage is known as a neck choking or strangling techniques.

Irimi nage is done through turining and finished with a arm hit to the opponent's neck. If locked, it will suffocate a person, thus immobilize their movement of attack. In real life application, it is easier to turn to the back of the opponent and suffocate the person by the neck. Therefore, Irimi Nage is an effective technique. In Randori or sparring, Irimi Nage comes in handy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Power of Masakatsu & Agatsu

Masakatsu means fire, Agatsu means water. These two elements are important in creating the world, just like the balance of yin and yang, the primordial forces that created the universe. We know we need both of them in balance in order to obtain optimal results. But what do the elements of fire and water represents, how do we benefit from them?

First, before using it, we must know what is the concept of the two elements. To explain them, we need to think wider , not through logic, but through spiritual thoughts, metaphorical thinking.

Firstly, Fire. Fire is a destructive force, and a source of energy. It gives life and destroy anything. In expressive terms, we consider fire as a feeling of anger, fury or fierce. In samurai's mindset, fire is the philosophical symbol of courage. Fire spread whenever there is something that it could burn, without it, fire will easily distinguished. Therefore, it is definited as a symbol of courage and forward-looking attitude, going towards a goal with perseverance. Fire is the inspiration that made our fighting spirit lively and active. The spirit of bravery and perseverance.

Water, the elaborative element of Tao. Water is the strongest because it is the weakest. Softness can overcome the hardness. Water is soft but strategic. When being stopped, water will find other ways to flow out. It is the flow that will corrode rocks. Water is needed for us and living things, it nurture the development of living things. Water move smoothly even with obstacles. In expressive term, water represent calmness. Water is the flow of flexibility and calmness.

With fire and water fused togther, both elements helps to empower the techniques. With fire, we have the eagerness to complete the whole techniques, and not do it in doubt or confusion. With water, we are able to be flexible in doing technique in different situation. Different situation is identified by understand the opponent's strength and weakness, the swiftest way is to avoid the strong and attack the weaker point.

O' Sensei once said, "True victory is Self-victory, the day of swift victory." Self refers to the understanding of self and the opponent. Through this, techniques csn be go smoothly and completely.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hakama, the Samurai's secret........


Hakama is what we known, as a traditional samurai costume. It was commonly wear in Aikido, Kendo and some other Japanese martial arts. Hakama also means horse-riding as it protect a horseman's leg from any disturbing objects. Hakama is not a skirt, but more of a pants. The Hakama also show the values of the legendary warrior, the Samurai.

On the Hakama, there are seven folds; 5 at the front and 2 at the back. These seven folds represent the seven fundamental values of a Samurai; Courage, Benevolence, Justice, Etiquette, Honesty, Loyalty and Honor. These seven values or virtues are the spirit of the Samurai and Bushido.

Hakama, acts as a protection for the legs and also a weapon for the person. Besides holding a sword, weapons can be hidden in the Hakama for emergency defense. Covering the legs of the user, it can hide our leg movement, this disallows our opponents to see and predict our leg movement. Though this tradtional clothing restrict some of the bodily movement, it provide us the perseverance to train more in order to overcome the restrictions of the Hakama.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Way of Open Mindedness

Aikido is the way of harmony. And to harmonize the world, the usage of the techniques alone will not help, the development of human values and addition of virtues and wisdom will also not be enough for the way of harmony. To totally harmonize with the world, we must not only harmonize with our own mind, soul and body, but also everyone, nature, the world and the cosmos.

Tao or the way is the concept of Taoism, and to gain the world, it is through acceptance and open-mindedness. To win over people's hearts, we must put our disagreement and dislike aside and accept all reasons of everyone. When O' Sensei was creating his own martial art, he studied many ancient text, not only his own religion, Shinto, but he also studied Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and even Christianity. All these religions have a similar and whole concept, it is virtue, harmony and unity.

In O'Sensei's quotation, Aikido is not just a self defense martial art, it is also a philosophy. Harmony is open-mindedness and acceptance. All martial art have a common goal, sharing, accept and enlightment. Arrogance or Discrimnation shuold not exist. Different schools have different cultures, they have disadvantages and benefits. Putting ourselves in other people's shoes, we are able to understand the feelings and the reason behind their very actions.

Aikido is not to correct others, but to correct ourselves and then share the different experiences to the world.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Joke of the Day

Anyway, Scabies is a skin infection :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weapons of War!!!!

In almost every martial art. there are needs of weapons. In Taichi, straight chinese swords are used. And in Aikido, we used Jo(stick), Bokken(sword) and Tanto(knife). What are the usage of weapons and how many weapons are there in the world???

Weapons are mostly used by martial artists or warrior. Weapons are the arms of the warrior, the extra expansion of a warrior hand. For example, stick or spear are long ranged weapon. Ever long range will be archery.

In Chinese martial art, there are Eighteen weapons of War:
  1. Sabre
  2. Spear
  3. Straight sword
  4. Staff
  5. Halberd
  6. Axe
  7. Battle Axe
  8. Hook sword
  9. Fork/ Trident
  10. Steel whip
  11. Mace
  12. Hammer
  13. Talon
  14. Ranseur/ Trident-halberd
  15. Lance
  16. Short cudgel
  17. Stick/ Crutches
  18. Meteor hammer
These weapons are long ranged, short ranged and destructive.
For example, the sabre can be long or short ranged. The Green Dragon Sabre used by Guan Yu is a long ranged one and destructive due to it large and sharp blade, therefore it is heavy in weight and hard to handle.

Spears and lances are commonly used by soldiers or knight. They are long and light in weight. Although it is easy to control and have increased agility, but it is a soft weapon, it possess less strength than the Sabre.

The choice of weapon depend on the capabilities of the particular person, the strength, the area of space and comfort.