Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Way of a warrior

Tao of martial

Train in excess to compensate the weak
Excessive illusive compensates the empty spots
Energy become internal strength, then become power,
and lastly become nothing
See not with the eyes, but the soul in the liver
Hear not with the ears, but the spirit in the kidney
A wise one will sit in solace for self-improvement

Shall the four limbs be motionless, feeling:
The wood of the west soul
The gold of the east spirit
The fire of the south deity
The water of the north spirit

Attempts to enhance one's capabilities against heaven's will
Are but foolish notions doomed to failure
Meditate faithfully and attain success by humility
Utilize the functions and power of the body well
Sharpness of the eye, Clearness of the ears
Smelling of the nose, Sensing of the touch
Harness the senses into immense power
Power becomes nothing while the eyes become soulless

Be one with the universe and cosmos
Maintain a stable and comfortable stance
Have a behavior of calm and quietness
With the mind of nothingness
Represents the balance of Heaven and Earth
In the left hand, hold the qi of Yang
In the right hand, amass the qi of Yin

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